Spanish River Church

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SRC Kids - Worship Choir

SRC Kids Worship Choir is for children Kindergarten to 5th grade. The kids are going to lead our Palm Sunday Worship during the 9:00am and 11:00am services on April 13, 2025. There will be five practices and a full band rehearsal in preparation for this special morning of worship. We warmly encourage and invite parents to attend each practice, as we believe worship is something that extends beyond the church and into the home. This partnership between parents and the church helps nurture the child's engagement and fosters a deeper, more meaningful connection to worship!

The practice schedule is as follows:
3/2, Sunday 12:15-12:45pm
3/9, Sunday 12:15-12:45pm
3/16, Sunday 12:15-12:45pm
3/30, Sunday 12:15-12:45pm
4/6, Sunday 12:15-12:45pm, Pizza will be served at the end of practice.
4/10, Thursday 6:00-7:00pm, FULL BAND REHEARSAL. This practice is required for participation. It entails vital training and details. Drop off and pick up for dress rehearsal will be at the main entrance to the worship center since they will be with the Worship Team on the stage.

4/13, Sunday 8:15am-12:00pm, drop off in the children's lobby.


Please read the instructions below before starting your registration:

To sign up your kids please login, select how many kids you want to register, and then click continue.

This event requires you to login.